MacHack 1998
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Talking KeyBoard
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290 lines
// Program Author: Paul Baxter
// pbaxter@assistivetech.com
#include <Ctype.h>
#include <DeskBus.h>
#include <Speech.h>
#include <Retrace.h>
#include "filter.h"
#include "speech.h"
#include "pref.h"
#include "globals.h"
// ***********************************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************************
The Not-So-Simple FAT jGNEFilter
Original Code by Matt Slot (fprefect@umich.edu), 6/2/95
with help and criticism (lots!) from Ed Wynne (arwyn@umich.edu).
modified by Paul Baxter (pbaxter@assistivetech.com).4/17/97
Quick Intro
Since jGNEFilters are nasty things in 68k, and pretty much impossible
in PPC, writing simple and cross-compiling handler code is also. To
facilitate use of this, I have written some interface routines to hide
some of the complexity from the application programmer.
/ Ptr InstallEventFilter(FilterHelperUPP helperProc, Ptr helperData);
| Installs a jGNEFilter which can properly call a callback from within
| the application. The callback handles incoming events wither either
| 68k or PPC code, and gets passed the data pointer you send from here.
| Install() returns a pointer the jGNEFilter installed in the system heap
| or NIL to indicate an error.
/ Ptr ReleaseEventFilter(Ptr filterProc);
| Pass in the pointer to the jGNEFilter, and this routine will disable
| the handling and try to dispose of its storage in the System Heap.
| You *must* do this if your helper function is going to disappear when
| the application closes.
/ asm void EventFilter(void);
| This is *not* the installed jGNEFilter... well not really. There is no way
| to get the same code to compile on both 68K and PPC, so this routine is
| just a demo function. The real code has been disassembled from the 68k
| source and placed into a Hex String suitable for StuffHex()'ing into the
| System Heap on both 68K and PPC machines. Note that the code simply calls
| the ProcPtr for the Helper function blindly... whether 68k or PPC.
| WARNING: Changing the EventFilter() will do nothing! -- to apply changes,
| you need to take the modified 68K machine code and refresh the declared
| kGNEFilterHexData string constant.
/ void EventFilterHelper(EventRecord *theEvent, Ptr helperData);
| This callback is the workhorse of the event filter. Once installed, this
| routine sees every event that gets harvested and has an opportunity to
| modify the record before the front application gets to see it. Ideally
| this function can do the necessary work itself or pass off the event info
| to the home application.
| WARNING: For 68k code, the routine will be called from the current app's
| context (A5/Globals, Rsrc File, HeapZone). PPC code will have a valid RTOC
| (Globals access) but not Rsrc File, HeapZone, etc.
How this all works:
Since I didn't want to write the jGNEFilter in C (OK, I couldn't figure out
how to), the code is installed as raw 68k by StuffHex()'ing a precompiled
routine -- identical to the one as declared below -- into the System Heap.
The jGNEFilter keeps 3 pieces of data inline: the next filter in the chain,
a pointer to the helper routine, and some extra data to pass to the helper.
Most importantly, we may not be able to remove the filter from the calling
chain... the architecture just doesn't permit it! If we are able to safely
pull the filter out, we do. Otherwise the next best solution is to keep a flag,
that we can clear when we want to disable the functionality -- in fact, we
set or clear the pointer to the Helper Proc as the flag.
Finally, the helper function is the meat of our jGNEFilter; it does the work
of the active filter. In the case of a 68K helper, it is accessed via a
simple ProcPtr. In the case of a PPC helper, the installer sets up a valid
RoutineDescriptor (in the System Heap with the jGNEFilter) to invoke a
MixedMode switch between the 68K caller (filter) and PPC routine (helper).
Again, when releasing the filter the handler disposes the descriptor and
clear the inline ProcPtr/flag, since the helper function will probably be
disappearing when the application quits.
If you are picking out events to handle within your app, my suggestion is to
keep a secondary Queue of events in the System Heap -- remember, you must
allocate new EventRecords (since the current event belongs to the calling
app) into the System Heap (you need a heap that both the current process and
your own process can access). Given these events, your main event loop can
suck out clicks or keydowns for dispatching internally and safely within your
own context.
Also, Text Service windows don't receive Activate or Update events... you
must check for those manually within your own event loop and handle them.
// ***********************************************************************************
// * InstallEventFilter
// * install our event filter
// ***********************************************************************************
Ptr InstallEventFilter(FilterHelperUPP helperProc, Ptr helperData)
Ptr filterProc, data;
// Create a duplicate function in the System Heap (so its *alway* there) and
// copy the data across. Note: even though it is technically a function, we
// can still treat it as data safely until it has been installed and called.
filterProc = NewPtrSys(sizeof(kGNEFilterHexData)/2 + 1);
if (! filterProc) return(0);
StuffHex(filterProc, kGNEFilterHexData);
// Get and install the current filter as the next filter in the chain.
data = (Ptr) LMGetGNEFilter();
BlockMove(&data, filterProc + kNextFilterOffset, sizeof(data));
// Get and install the Helper function to do the real work (and as a flag to
// indicate we are in business and accepting events). Remember that if we
// generating PPC code, it is necessary to establish a Routine Descriptor.
data = (Ptr) NewFilterHelperProc(helperProc);
if (! data) return(0);
BlockMove(&data, filterProc + kEventHelperOffset, sizeof(data));
// If the caller wants to pass data to the jGNEFilter Helper function. This
// pointer (or handle if desired) *must* be allocated in the System Heap
// if you don't plan on releasing the Filter before quitting. If you plan
// on releasing the filter, then either the App or Sys heap will suffice.
data = helperData;
BlockMove(&helperData, filterProc + kEventHelperDataOffset, sizeof(data));
// Install us, we are ready to do some work!
LMSetGNEFilter((GNEFilterUPP) filterProc);
// ***********************************************************************************
// * ReleaseEventFilter
// * remove our event filter
// ***********************************************************************************
Ptr ReleaseEventFilter(Ptr filterProc)
Ptr data;
if (! filterProc)
// Clear the Helper location as an indicator that we have closed up shop. The
// filter itself may lingers in the System Heap until shutdown unless we can
// find a way to extract it from the chain (see below). On the other hand, the
// filter has been written so that if the Helper function pointer is NIL, the
// filter will do nothing at all. Let's zero it out for that (hopeful) case.
BlockMove(filterProc + kEventHelperOffset, &data, sizeof(data));
if (data)
DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr) data);
data = 0;
BlockMove(&data, filterProc + kEventHelperOffset, sizeof(data));
// If the installed filterProc is the first one in the chain, then we should
// be able remove it and replace it with the next one (the one we would
// normally jump to). If we can dispose the filterProc buffer, then we can
// can recover those 50 bytes that remain in the System Heap.
// Thanks to HoverBar's Guy Fullerton (hedgeboy@realm.net) for the suggestion.
if (filterProc == (Ptr) LMGetGNEFilter()) {
// Remove our filterProc from the chain.
BlockMove(filterProc + kNextFilterOffset, &data, sizeof(data));
LMSetGNEFilter((GNEFilterUPP) data);
BlockMove(filterProc + kEventHelperDataOffset, &data, sizeof(data));
else {
// Grab the data that was passed when initialized or as set in the Helper
// function. The caller can then deallocate it if desired or necessary.
BlockMove(filterProc + kEventHelperDataOffset, &data, sizeof(data));
// ***********************************************************************************
// * EventFilter
// Eventfilter 68K code only
// ***********************************************************************************
asm void EventFilter()
bra.s Continue
dc.l 0 // Saved Address of Next jGNEFilter in the chain.
// We jump directly to it, no JSR's or RTS's.
dc.l 0 // Pointer to Helper function in our application.
// We clear it to NIL when we quit as a flag
dc.l 0 // Promised storage for the Helper function,
// which can modify the pointer dynamically.
// Save the Volatile registers for safety
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2, -(a7)
// Load the Helper from Inline Storage and test it. If Helper is NIL,
// then our handler was released -- and we just jump to the next Filter
move.l Event_Helper, a0
move.l a0, d0
tst.l d0
beq End_Filter
// Straight C Calling Conventions, call the Helper function
move.l Event_Helper_Data, -(a7)
move.l a1, -(a7)
move.l Event_Helper, a0
jsr (a0)
add.l #8, a7
// Clean up the same way we got here
movem.l (a7)+, d0-d2/a0-a2
// Jump to the next filter in the chain
move.l Next_Filter, a0
jmp (a0)
void EndEventFilter() { }
// ***********************************************************************************
// * EventFilterHelper
// * heart of our filter
// ***********************************************************************************
void EventFilterHelper(EventRecord *theEvent, Ptr helperData)
long saveA5;
EvQEl *fwdEvent;
Boolean fwdThisEvent = false;
// This only does something in 68K code. We now have access to globals,
// which PPC get for free from CFM; however, we won't have access to
// our application's Resource file/chain or HeapZone. Be careful!
saveA5 = SetA5((long) helperData);
switch(theEvent->what) {
case keyDown:
// we will send this to the application
fwdThisEvent = true;
case mouseDown:
// we will send this to the application
fwdThisEvent = true;
if (fwdThisEvent) {
// We have discovered that this event deserves full attention. Forward it to
// our home application by Q'ing it up as a pointer in the System Heap
fwdEvent = (EvQEl *) NewPtrSys(sizeof(*fwdEvent));
fwdEvent->qLink = 0;
fwdEvent->qType = evType;
BlockMove(&theEvent->what, &fwdEvent->evtQWhat, sizeof(EventRecord));
Enqueue((QElem *) fwdEvent, &gForwardedEvents);
// Let our app get the CPU to handle the event quickly
// Restore the (68K) context before leaving